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Welcome to the website of the National Trolleybus Association. Perusing its contents you will be able to learn about the history and current activities of the Association as well as its flagship journal, Trolleybus Magazine, which is essential reading for all those interested in trolleybuses in any part of the world.
The National Trolleybus Association (NTA) was formed in November 1963 and has risen to become the foremost society in the UK for serious trolleybus enthusiasts as well as those professionally involved with the manufacture and operation of trolleybuses and their associated infrastructure.
The Association is a registered Charity and operates under the name of the National Trolleybus Association as part of NTA (1963) Ltd., a company limited by guarantee with a Board of Directors, who also act as Trustees.
The aims of the Association are to promote the recording and study of trolleybus operation in the UK and throughout the world and the preservation of historic vehicles. In pursuance of these aims, the NTA publishes Trolleybus Magazine, a bi-monthly publication covering all aspects of trolleybuses and their operation at home and abroad. For examples of recent features contained within the journal, please go to the Trolleybus Magazine section of this website. The journal has established a high reputation for accuracy of content, quality of presentation and breadth of coverage. Trolleybus Magazine is sent to all subscribing NTA members free of charge.
Five historic trolleybuses are currently owned, of which two are restored and operational at two of the UK’s three trolleybus museum circuits, one is in an advanced stage of restoration and two others are awaiting their turn in the restoration queue. Full details of these interesting vehicles can be found in the Vehicles section of this website. The NTA itself does not itself own an operational museum circuit so has adopted a policy of entering into agreements with the operators of other sites to permit its vehicles to be demonstrated there.
To encourage the dissemination of information amongst those with a serious interest in trolleybuses, for well over fifty years the Association has run regular meetings in London, generally on a monthly basis. The topics covered range from technical explanations of the detail of restoration projects and museum operation, to photographic presentations of both present and past systems. The NTA extends a warm welcome to everyone to attend these meetings, for which a small charge is made to cover the costs of the meeting venue. Light refreshments are available.
The Association’s Sales department stocks a wide range of books about trolleybuses, both present and past, at home and abroad. Foreign titles otherwise difficult to obtain in the UK are a speciality. The department also offers a selection of older, secondhand books at keen prices and all profits from sales are devoted to the work of the Association, notably the restoration of its historic vehicles. The Sales department section of this website is regularly updated so please have a look at that section to see details of our current offers. Current NTA members can make a significant saving on the costs of book purchases through the special discounts offered to members on certain titles. Back numbers of Trolleybus Magazine are also available for purchase through the department.
The Association is a participant in the Trolleybooks venture, jointly owned by the NTA and British Trolleybus Society in equal measure. This imprint has established for itself a niche in the publication of trolleybus-related literature and its products are widely acclaimed for their high standards, comprehensiveness and attractive design. Work on editing and producing Trolleybooks titles is undertaken free of charge by volunteers from both societies, enabling production costs to be reduced and a greater volume of profits from sales thereby made available to further their work in trolleybus preservation. All Trolleybooks titles can be obtained through the NTA Sales department.
Please have a look through the other sections of this website. We hope that you will like what you read and see and that if you are not currently a member, or are perhaps a lapsed member considering rejoining, you will be encouraged to support us in the important work of keeping the memory of trolleybuses alive in this country and supporting the work of progressive overseas undertakings which continue to place their faith in this environmentally-friendly form of transport. Never forget: he or she who is a friend of the trolleybus is also a friend of our planet.
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